Coping with Smoke

Have you been exposed to wildfire smoke?

Smoke inhalation greatly impacts our health and wellbeing. As the dry season has become synonymous with fire season in the western states, it is pertinent to have tools on hand to support our body systems.

Herbal medicine can help support:

The Nervous System

Wildfires are stressful. Increased anxiety and feelings of sadness are common.

Effective nervines include milky oats, chamomile, tulsi, lemon balm and lavender

Cardiovascular system

The heart and circulatory system are greatly affected by smoke inhalation. Herbs to support heart health include hawthorn berry, motherwort, ginger and turmeric


The inhalation of wildfire smoke is a cause of systemic inflammation. This may result in existing inflammation to flare up and new inflammation to occur, particularly inflammation of the lungs and mucous membranes. Effective anti-inflammatory herbs include licorice, meadowsweet, turmeric, rose hips and chamomile

The Respiratory System

Smoke is drying and irritating to the soft tissues of the lungs. Some examples of demulcent herbs are mullein, marshmallow root, tulsi, plantain and aloe vera.

The Immune System

The immune system becomes taxed by the prolonged exposure to toxins from smoke, as well as the stress associated fires occurring near our homes and communities. Immune stimulating herbs like echinacea and astragalus are good choices for short term use, and adaptogens are great to use for the entirety of fire season (really, anytime at all!) Helpful herbal adaptogens include schisandra, tulsi, shatavari, ashwagandha, and eleuthero.

Smoke is oxidizing. Fresh fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidant properties. Herbal sources of antioxidants include rose hips, schisandra berries, hawthorn berries, goji berries and rosemary.

Eye and sinus irritation are common symptoms of smoke exposure. A compress for the eyes made with a chamomile teabag is soothing and anti-inflammatory.

Neti pot (nasal rinsing) and castor oil applied to nostrils will relieve dry sinuses.

Keeping a humidifier going in the house can help greatly!

Please, always remember to be fire safe!


Green Heart


Stinging Nettle