Green Heart

“You retain your health only so long as you are willing to forgive your stresses, shrug off adversity and adapt to new situations. Resistance to change always impedes the workings of your immunity." - Dr. Robert Svoboda

Allow the heart to remain open to the changes happening around you and within you. The anahata chakra (or heart chakra) is represented by the color green and is deeply connected to the natural world. The best practices we can do for our heart chakra are to keep the chest lifted with good posture (no slouching) and to spend time in nature. Keeping the heart hidden beneath rounded shoulders leaves it unavailable to the love of the universe and unwilling to accept the changes in our lives. Yoga poses such as bhujanghasana (cobra pose) and matsyasana (fish pose) release tension from the chest and assist the heart chakra in remaining open.

Spend time in the forest, in parks and near natural bodies of water. Infusing the eyes with nature's green vibrancy brings happiness. Tell your fears and sorrows to the Earth. Bhoomi Devi (the Earth Goddess) will take them and recycle them into something new. She is so compassionate in this way.

I hope you can all find peace within these challenging times. We as a people, are in a great transition. May we let go of the things no longer serving us and accept the transition into something new.


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